Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A LOVE that never dies

He is Daniel. My Son 
 March 4,2000 he came into the world to learn to love God and glorify him. As I look into His honey colored eyes I'm able to dream again. Wishing on stars and awakening that part me where passion lives. 
Blessed to see him grow as he converts into a young man. " look forwards Son and keep focus on Jesus" 
I fear I may not always be there to help him, guide him, protect him... But that's not my job. He is in God's hands. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Pasi贸n -Forever17

Nos conocimos Octubre 2009
Te ve de lejos pero te siente cerca a mi. ¿Mi pregunto - sientes lo mismo ?
Con el tiempo nos fuimos conociendo 
Horas de celular a celular, los minutos aumentar谩n con cada llamada. Bonitas desveladas tomando caf茅 por la ma帽ana recordando la conversaci贸n con la misma intensidad. 
Viajes a Reno, Nevada conce tu profunda sonrisa. Y esa misma sonrisa me captivo de nuevo. Conociste la famila cuando Acceptaste el puesto de Marido. 
Ahora te miro de cerca, como tu Esposa

Forever17 馃尃

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Choices: should be free will

How many times have you doubted yourself... If your like me many.  Growing up without the positive Reinforcement. I grew up knowing that my Parents love me and would do just about anything for their children, but what about letting me make my own decisions. For years I can hear my Daddy's voicein the back of head. " No you can't do that "
Choices should be of free will. How you were raised may have an impact on your adult life.  So your parents , the weather , the economy may and can have an impact. Yes I feel passionately about this because I have suffered with always trying to please my Parents. 
I m taking control of my thoughts and actions. This is my passion 
My Choices 馃啌

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Passion: believing in myself

Today I had passion to believe in myself...it's hard to create positive emotions for me , but I never have a problem in creating them for others. 
So then why can't I believe in me ? 
I changed the pattern of thinking for myself. I really don't know how it came about but I think it had to do with my choice of being. My state of mind. 
Taking control is something that doesn't come easy, but it's there it exist , I just need to exercise that part if my thinking. 
I can do this... I can be healed. 
Jesus can 馃挏馃挅

Sunday, November 3, 2013

LOVE : a blessing all along

I have a passion for LOVE...
Since I was a little girl I have always wanted to be in love. Love is a strong word with many different meanings but in the end LOVE is a part of our everyday lives. I was born out of LOVE... My whole life I have been blessed to be loved and have never been refused such a blessing. God has choosen the right people to be in my life and show me LOVE...
I guess my passion for love was introduced as a child. I know other way to be but only to give what has been given to me. Amor Verdadero. ❤❤

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Pasi贸n:" Mis Ojitos "

Hola, hoy les dijo que tuve un d铆a de Relax con mis Ojitos. ( mi esposo ). 
Mi pasi贸n hoy fue recordar que el amor no siempre es gozar y re铆rse, pero darme cuenta que el amor de mis ojitos es genial. A ves nuestro orgullo no tapa no solo los ojos pero la ventana de nuestro coraz贸n. ❤  cuando tu m谩s necesitas Apolo, Comprensi贸n y cari帽o tenemos que cuidar a nuestros seres queridos con la misma pasi贸n que nace el enojo o males sentimientos y convertirlos en sentimientos positives. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Passion : for being alone 馃尲

Hi my friend. If your reading this, I thank you. Sometimes my passion is to big it just can't fit in my chest. I have to express what I feel and if you would like get to know me I would really like that. 
My passion tonight is learning how to be alone. I get scared sometimes. I'm scared I don't know what direction my life is going ? Questions like that will Get you down. The passion in that is that you can take control because no one knows you better than you. What I do at this point is reach deep in my heart and just realize I live for me and to please me. You see times I have been alone I have always had a passion for unknown.  Everyday is a chance to get to know yourself. 馃巸
Happy Halloween 馃槏